
Dealing With Homework Assignments On Health Problems Effectively

All the health problems roll over you in class: alcoholism, smoking, stress, colds and flu. With all the negativity it is easy just to switch off and think about something nicer. But then comes the homework assignment. How do you organize that information overload into a coherent thought to hand into your teacher?

Homework comes in all shapes and forms. Your teacher is using this task to work out if you understood what was talked about in class. And it is there to reinforce your learning so you are ready for the next lesson.

Planning your all work

  1. Before you leave class make sure you know what you are supposed to do. Ask if you do not understand; it is always better to look silly now than be tearing your hair out later on when there is no one to ask.
  2. Write it down. Memory can be unreliable – especially if you have more than one set of work assigned.
  3. Try and set aside the same time every day in which to do your homework. This creates a habit so it is easier to get started if it is the right time.
  4. Make up a personal timetable with the deadlines clearly stated. Fill it in as soon after you receive the work as possible so you know what you have to do to keep up.
  5. Create your own workspace, preferably in the same place every day – again to set up a good habit.

Getting started

  1. Turn off all distractions. This work is not going to get finished while you are chatting to your friends on social media or watching your favorite show on the TV.
  2. A good way to get motivated is to set a timer and race the clock.
  3. Find out which work is due next and do that first. Some of the other work may be easier but that will end up with you rushing the harder work and not getting the grade you deserve.
  4. Once the timer sounds, take a ten minute break. Get up, walk around, have a drink. Go back to work after the ten minutes and set the timer again.


  1. Good presentation is half the battle for good grades.
  2. Try to use a computer to type your work. Printed out work looks much neater.
  3. Carry your work to class in a dedicated folder to prevent creasing.