
Winning Homework Study Tips For Visual And Kinesthetic Learners

When it comes about winning homework study tips for the visual and kinesthetic learners, you need to dig a little deeper. You need to know about the characteristics of a kinesthetic learner and a visual learner, in order to help him/her with the homework study tips. There are lots of different characteristics features for both types of learners. If you were unaware, read further to find out about the various aspects of a learner and essential homework study tips.

About the kinesthetic learner

Firstly these types of learners are by born, have this wonderful gift of discovering things on their own; this is the best way of learning for them. Generally, kinesthetic learners naturally doesn’t suit traditional classroom environment. They have this capability of learning in the best possible manner, when they are active or involved physically or various activities involving active presence while learning.

Characteristics of a kinesthetic learner

  • Often such learners are known as hyperactive.
  • They have a good sense of movement, so this type of learner’s future can be a good athlete or dancer, actor.
  • Kinesthetic learners tend to learn from practical experiences rather than some bookish knowledge, such learners loves to explore more.

The above mentioned are some of the characteristics of a kinesthetic learner, this helps the parents to determine, whether their child is kinesthetic learner or not. Kinesthetic learners need attention and help from parents and teachers to fit in traditional classroom environment.

Homework tips for kinesthetic learners

Kinesthetic learner should rely on special study technique and take advantage of their capability.

  • Using flash card game, which is a simple yet powerful game, helps to recall the memory. It is easy to use flash card and can be made by anyone. This can make your Childs study much more interesting and with lots of fun at the same time.
  • Studying schedule can be divided into short blocks because a kinesthetic learner cannot remain still at a place for long. At the same time, taking breaks while doing homework helps them to study even far better.

Characteristic of visual learner

  • Visual learners rely on what they see rather than what their ears hear.
  • Visual learners draw diagrams as well as pictures.
  • They often face problems regarding verbal instructions.

The visual learners rely on visual images in order to remember as well as to understand things. In order to finish their tasks, visual learners can take help of diagrams and draw images, or watch videos for doing their homework.
